It’s been a while since I went so long without posting but it’s for good reason – or at least for some reason. Things have been a little busy – just a tad. I am right smack in the middle of my busy season with Emily Melson Photography. LOTS of families and babies – it’s been fun! November has lots on tap as well but I will be glad when I get to catch my breath in December – just in time for Christmas!
I now give you October – a summary.
First I took Jack and his good buddy, Nathan, on a trip on the Trinity Railway Express from Downtown Dallas to Fort Worth and back. Yes, we just rode the train for an hour each way – but it was so fun! Seriously, it was! The boys loved it and it gave Nathan’s Mommy a chance to have a little breather from her rowdy 4 year old and spend some quiet time with her newest little baby boy – or take a shower – or a nap – whatever she wanted. The boys had so much fun.

Next up was a trip to Denton to hang out with Grandpa. We don’t get up there enough and since I knew October was going to be super busy on the weekends, I just took the boys on a Monday to play in my favorite park – the same park I played in when I was their age.

Oooh – then our favorite rock stars came to visit! It’s always a party with B&C!

I hadn’t planned on doing a “family” picture this Fall but a sweet friend who is also an AMAZING photographer – Chantel Hayes of Breathtaking Photography – had just moved back from Kansas and was working on building her Dallas portfolio again and was offering an amazing deal. I just had to take her up on it! I love working with different photographers and seeing all their different styles.

Oh, right – and mixed in the October madness, Alan and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. Love you, Alan!

The State Fair of Texas is now an annual must-do for our family. It is such an exhausting day, but so fun.

Jack got to ride his first rides this year too! He was so pumped but then we were all disappointed when, even though Jack is the required 42″ , they still made Alan ride in the kiddie bumper car with him. He was looking forward to a solo ride but soon realized it was really more fun to have Daddy help maneuver through the traffic jams.

Next up – Halloween! At first I felt a little sorry for Colin having to wear Jack’s old turtle costume but then I put it on him and realized that this costume was in fact made for him! Bless his heart – he was the cutest turtle I ever did see! Jack wore the costume at 9 months and Colin is almost 18 mo! Jack could hardly crawl in it and Colin was a walking/running fool in it! I want him to wear it everyday now!
Jack chose Harry Potter as his costume when he heard his cousin, Hunter, was also going to be Harry. I didn’t want to argue and tell him that Harry was already taken, so I just went with it. He was actually quite excited that there would be two Harry Potters at the party.

Of course, we had to do the obligatory “throw your kids in a pile of pumpkins and take their picture” picture. So we did. Then we slaughtered the pumpkin just before Halloween.

Finally, Halloween! My cousin, Dana threw her annual Halloween party which we enjoyed and then went at our own slow (turtle) pace around the neighborhood. This was Colin’s first actual trick-or-treating experience and he really got into it. After only one house he was holding out his bucket for the candy and after just a few more he was saying “tank u!” after receiving his goodies. Then at the last house of the night, he walked up to the door and actually said “tick-o-teat!” My heart melted away at that point.

Hunter decided to be the “Quidditch” version of Harry so we were sure to have the many sides of the great Harry Potter covered! They were both adorable!

So, there you have it! Our October – a summary.